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Payment & Billing FAQs


No, there is no charge for making a payment online.

When will my payment be posted to my account?

您的付款通常会在三到五个工作日内到达您的账户 days of the transaction. A receipt confirming your payment will also be emailed to you immediately. You also have the option to print out a receipt at the time of payment.

我可以向谁寻求有关我的帐户或问题的信息和帮助 about my bill?

您可以致电我们的客户服务部904-819-4539或 855-438-2565. 我们的患者客户代表可以提供帮助 you Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


信用卡验证码是在Visa/MasterCard/Discover信用卡背面的三位数号码 或者美国运通卡上的四位数字.

How and when will I know what I owe the hospital?

预定的病人将会被告知预估的自付费用 before arriving at the hospital. Please be aware that estimated amounts can change once treatment is received. Elective procedures may be rescheduled if a payment is not received in advance. Our Pre-Registration staff will 与你的保险公司核实你的健康福利 demographical data. This will ensure that your information is accurate and up to date. 这是解决你的病人责任的理想时机 这样在你预约的那天,你的护理就会是你的第一 您访问佛罗里达大学健康酷游九州真人时的优先事项.


对于那些有保险的患者,我们将很快为您提交保险 在您访问后,使用我们与您核实的信息. After your 保险公司支付他们的那部分费用(通常在30到30分钟内) 在收到我方索赔的60天内),你方应该得到某种形式的解释 从他们那里得到的好处,这将表明他们支付了什么,他们 paid, and what your portion is. Shortly after that, you will receive a 医院的结算单表明你欠的余额少了一点 amount you paid at the time of service. Payments may be made by cash, 个人支票,万事达,维萨,发现或美国运通.


如果您无法支付全部欠款,请访问我们的付款计划 options by clicking here. 我们的患者客户代表训练有素,可以帮助您 为您探索最佳付款方式或筛选您的财务 assistance you may need to pay your hospital bill. However, we can only 如果您在收到账单后立即与我们联系,我们将提供帮助. So, 请不要犹豫,拨打904-819-4539或855-438-2565与我们联系.


如果没有付款安排,该帐户将被放置在一个 collection agency. If for any reason you are unable to pay your bill on 时间,请致电904-819-4539或855-438-2565与我们联系.

如果我有一个现有的付款安排计划,我有一个余额 on another account?

每次发生意外时,您必须与患者客户代表联系 balance on a new account. Accounts are not automatically placed into payment arrangements based on an existing account. Existing payment plans cannot be combined with a new balance.


在你去医院的时候,其他专业人士也参与了你的 care and they have their own billing office. These other professionals 可能包括,但不限于,放射科医生,病理学家,心脏病专家, anesthesiologists, ambulance services, etc. These providers bill separately, 在大多数情况下,是医院的病人金融服务部 is not able to assist you with these claims. You are better served by 直接通过提供的电话号码与他们的帐单办公室联系 on their bill to you.

Why am I getting a bill from the hospital? I was not a patient there.

许多当地的医生会把血样(血液、尿液和粪便)送到医院 laboratory at UF Health Flagler Hospital. The bill you are receiving is for running the tests.

我有佛罗里达医疗补助费用分摊/医疗需求. What does that mean?

参加医疗贫困方案的个人有收入或资产 that exceed the limits for regular Medicaid. A certain amount of medical 在医疗补助计划获得批准之前,每个月的账单都必须发生. This is your ‘share of cost’. Your share of cost is the amount of 在医疗补助计划支付你的其他医疗费用之前,你必须有医疗账单 incurred medical bills for you. Your share of cost works like a deductible on a health insurance policy. You must incur medical expenses equal to 在你有资格之前,你每个月的费用份额 for Medicaid for the rest of the month. Your share is based on your family’s monthly income. 有关佛罗里达州医疗补助计划的更多信息或查看 if you qualify for assistance through Medicaid click here.

我有州外蓝十字保险为什么佛罗里达大学健康酷游九州真人还在继续 to file my claims through Blue Cross of Florida?

佛罗里达大学健康酷游九州真人与佛罗里达蓝十字有合同协议 (BCBSFL),专门为您的医院账单提供折扣. 我们和其他州外的蓝十字计划没有合同. Therefore, 通过当地的蓝十字保险计划,也就是你的州外保险计划提出索赔 蓝十字计划可以利用我们的BCBSFL合同费率. We file the claim to BCBSFL. 然后BCBSFL配合您的家居计划来确定 coverage and for payment to be made to the hospital. We are unable to 直接提交给你的家庭计划,因为他们可能会完全拒绝付款 或者以非合同费率支付,这最终会导致更多 out-of-pocket expenses to you.


在您的保险卡上查找运营商的客户服务电话 number. You may also want to refer to your Plan Booklet.


UF健康酷游九州真人提供自付折扣和负担得起的付款计划. 在服务之前或服务时需要支付首付款. Financial 在您服务之前,律师可以帮助您获得资格 and applying for state and local funding.

UF健康酷游九州真人致力于提供慈善护理的人谁 有医疗保健需求,但没有保险,保险不足,没有资格 政府计划,或无法支付必要的医疗费用 care based on their individual financial situation. Please contact our 关于获得财政援助/慈善机构资格的财务倡导者 care at 904-819-4539 or click here.

了解有关佛罗里达州医疗补助计划的信息或查看您是否有资格获得援助 through Medicaid click here.

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